
Need information about the taxes in your state? The links below will take you to your state’s tax department Web site.

The date next to each link is the state’s individual income tax filing deadline so you don’t overlook this tax responsibility.

Alabama, April 15

Alaska, no state income tax

Arizona, April 15

Arkansas, April 15

California, April 15

Colorado, April 15

Connecticut, April 15

Delaware, April 30

District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.), April 15

Florida, no state income tax

Georgia, April 15

Hawaii, April 20

Idaho, April 15

Illinois, April 15

Indiana, April 15

Iowa, April 30

Kansas, April 15

Kentucky, April 15

Louisiana, May 15

Maine, April 15

Maryland, April 15

Massachusetts, April 15 

Michigan, April 15

Minnesota, April 15

Mississippi, April 15

Missouri, April 15

Montana, April 15

Nebraska, April 15

Nevada, no state income tax

New Hampshire, April 15 for interest and dividend income only

New Jersey, April 15

New Mexico, April 15

New York, April 15

North Carolina, April 15

North Dakota, April 15

Ohio, April 15

Oklahoma, April 15

Oregon, April 15

Pennsylvania, April 15

Rhode Island, April 15

South Carolina, April 15

South Dakota, no state income tax

Tennessee, April 15 for interest and dividend income only (phasing out)

Texas, no state income tax

Utah, April 15  

Vermont, April 15  

Virginia, May 1

Washington, no state income tax

West Virginia, April 15 

Wisconsin, April 15

Wyoming, no state income tax

Note that when a state’s filing deadline, whether it’s on April 15 or another date, falls on a weekend or holiday, the state return due date is pushed back to the next business day.